2016 MATC Scholars Program


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Program Schedule

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

TimeAgenda ItemSpeaker(s)Location
6:00 PMArrival & Check-in  
7:00 PMWelcome Reception The Cornhusker Marriott
Yankee Hill 3, 3rd Floor


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Transitioning from a 2-Year to a 4-Year Institution

TimeAgenda ItemSpeaker(s)Location
6:30 - 7:15 AMBreakfast The Cornhusker Marriot
7:15 - 7:45 AMTransition from Hotel to Whittier Research Center
7:45 - 8:15 AMPre-Conference AssessmentBureau of Sociological Research, UNLWhittier 344A
8:15 - 8:30 AMUNL Welcome and MATC IntroductionDr. Laurence Rilett, P.E.
8:30 - 8:45 AMOverview of MATC Scholars ProgramDr. Chris Cornelius
8:45 - 9:00 AMBreak
9:00 - 10:20 AMJourney from the Navajo Reservation to World-class Research and DevelopmentDr. Stan Atcitty
Whittier 344A
Choosing an Undergraduate Transfer ProgramDr. Otakuye Conroy-Ben
10:20 - 10:30Break
10:30 - 11:50 AMNative American Student ExperiencesDr. Nancy JacksonWhittier 344A
What's Next After a 4-Year Program?Ms. Mary Johnson
12:00 - 1:00 PMLunchMr. Kevin AbourezkWhittier 251 Atrium
1:00 - 1:30 PMGroup Photo Whittier
1:30 - 2:00 PMTransferring Credits to a UniversityMr. Raymond RamirezWhittier 344A
2:00 - 2:30 PMPlanning your Coursework for TransferMs. Maggie Jobs
2:30 - 3:30 PMEisenhower Fellowship Program an Fellowships/Scholarships for STEM DisciplinesMs. Fawn Thompson
3:30 4:30 PMFocus Group Dialogue and AssessmentMs. Lindsey Witt-Swanson
4:30 - 4:45 PMTravel to Hotel
4:45 - 5:30Explore Downtown Lincoln (Optional)
5:30 - 6:00 PMMeet in Hotel Lobby and walk to Windsor Stables
6:00 - 8:00 PMDinner with Keynote SpeakerMs. Judi gaiashkibosWindsor Stables, Green Gateau, 1024 L St


Friday, October 28, 2016

Strategies for Succeeding in School

TimeAgenda ItemSpeaker(s)Location 
6:30 - 7:30 AMBreakfast The Cornhusker Marriot 
8:00 - 8:15 AMMeet & Greet with the DeanDr. Lance PérezThe Cornhusker Marriot, Olive Branch Room, Lower Level 
8:15 - 9:15 AMUniversity of Nebraska Inter Tribal Exchange (UNITE) Student Panel DiscussionIntroduction & Facilitator: Mr. Gabriel Bruguier
Speakers: Ms. Rebekka Schlichting, Mr. Sandy Scott, and Ms. Shana LaPointe
9:15 - 9:30 AMTransition to Memorial Stadium 
9:30 - 10:30 AMMemorial Stadium and Husker Heritage Tour Memorial Stadium North Entrance 
10:30 - 11:30 AMUNL City Campus Tour N213, Voelte-Keegan Nanoscience Research Center, 855 N 16th Street 
Nebraska Center for Materials and NanoscienceDr. Yong-Rak Kim 
11:30 - 11:45 AMTransition to Hotel & Break 
11:45 AM - 12:15 PMPost SurveyMs. Lindsey Witt-SwansonThe Cornhusker Marriot, Olive Branch Room, Lower Level 
12:15 - 12:30 PMClosing RemarksDr. Laurence Rilett, P.E. 
12:30 PMBoxed Lunches and Adjourn