Presenter(s) | Title | Links |
Dr. Aemal Khattak | UNL Welcome & MATC Introduction | Video |
Dr. Deo Chimba, PhD, P.E., PTOE | Graduate School Student Experience | Video PowerPoint |
Dr. Ibibia Dabipi | Choosing a Graduate Program: Making a Short List | Video PowerPoint |
Dr. Edgar Blevins | Choosing Faculty Mentors & Finding "Mentoring Communities" for Academic Success | Video PowerPoint |
Dr. Jennifer PeeksMease | Welcome from UNL | Video |
Dr. Marcus Huggans | GEM Overview and Opportunities | Video |
Mr. Juhann Waller, P.E. | Why Graduate School | Video PowerPoint |
Mrs. Coleen McGuire | Graduate School Admissions Exams Overview | Video |
Ms. Jessica Rich | Keynote Speaker | Video |
Dr. Lance Pérez | Welcome from the Dean | Video |
Ms. Amy Maki | Communication Skills | Video PowerPoint |
Dr. Luis Vázquez | Understanding Funding and Budgeting Finances | Video PowerPoint |
Dr. Mojdeh Asadollahi Pajouh, P.E. Mr. Brandon Perry | Midwest Roadside Safety Facility Crash Testing | YouTube Link MwRSF Website |