2025 STEM Academy Application

  • Current Student Information
  • Contact Information
  • Application Essay
  • Complete

Application to this program does not guarantee enrollment. Deadline to apply is April 14. Applications will be reviewed April 14 - 18, and applicants will be notified April 21 – 25.


This will be used for your name tag.

This information is for housing purposes only and will not be used in consideration of acceptance. Please note that students will be roomed with other students of the same sex.

In accordance with the January 20th US Presidential Executive Order we are obligated to list only two sexes.

Shirt Size

This question is optional and is not used to evaluate applications to determine eligibility to participate.

To request a roommate, list your roommate preference.

Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or requirements in the space provided. This includes halal, kosher, vegan, vegetarian, food allergies, or any other requirements.

This program requires moderate exercise, such as daily walking to and from activity sites. Please indicate here if any accommodations are needed to participate comfortably, and of any other accessibility accommodations that are needed.