Roads, Rails, and Race Cars Back in Transit

The MATC after school Roads, Rails, and Race Cars (RRRC) program returned to in-person lessons at a few middle schools this semester. Mickle Middle School was the only school to start in the program during the first quarter. In October, Culler and Park Middle Schools and UMÓnHOn Nation Public School joined in the fun and had a chance to learn through RRRC’s interactive lessons.

Some of the projects included creating cars out of Popsicle sticks and plastic wheels powered by the kinetic energy in rubber bands. In another lesson they modified the car with safety features to keep Lego passengers safe during a crash. While learning about air resistance, students made parachutes out of tissue paper, and aluminum foil boats taught the students about buoyancy on a larger surface area when they competed to make a boat that would hold the most weight. More projects like these will continue to be offered during the spring program and each of these four schools are excited to participate.

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